Build video-rich apps faster

Integrate with ease, develop at a high scale. Save time and resources with a robust cloud infrastructure, flexible API and a set of SDKs.


Unified API
for your custom tasks

Development freedom

The API is designed for custom logic built on top of simple methods. We respect development freedom at core and offer "building blocks" for your challenges.

API documentation
Редактор кода

SDKs for your environments

View SDK

Switching to a different dev stack is slow, expensive, and painful. With this in mind, we offer a set of ready-to-go SDKs for Swift, Kotlin, React, Vue, and other languages. Didn't found a suitable one? No worries - contact us and we'll find a work-around.

Посмотреть SDK

Video CDN and powerful infrastructure under the hood

Scale easily on top of our cloud platform. Video CDN, distributed storage, cloud transcoding clusters and much more - we are building networks around the globe to guarantee best possible SLA.

Learn more about CDN
> 4 Тb

External network capacity


Average system uptime

always by your side

engineering support

Our developers are building cutting edge video solutions for over 10 years. We immerse in customers' projects up to small details and open for discussion and custom logic. We are here to help with the best integration model and assist at every stage.

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Не только CDN,
а полный набор решений для работы с видео

Кастомизируемый плеер

Лёгкий и быстрый плеер адаптируется под экраны любого размера. Цвета и элементы управления можно свободно настроить под дизайн и задачи вашего бренда.

Маркетинговые инструменты

CTA-кнопки и лид-формы встраиваемые прямо внутрь
плеера сделают видео драйвером продаж вашего бизнеса.
А возможность добавления аннотаций, оглавления и дополнительных материалов помогут не терять внимание зрителей на протяжении всего хронометража.

Удобная панель управления

Управляйте десятью или десятью тысячами видео одинаково легко с проектами, фильтрами, тегами и папками. Полный контроль над вашими видео без раздражающей рекламы и рекомендаций.


Much more
then a video player

Lightweight, optimized for every screen and mobile experience (iOS and Android). But that's just the tip of the iceberg since you are powered with:

  • Player branding and templates

  • Built-in video analytics

  • Call-To-Action buttons

  • Most advanced download protection (DRM)

  • Pre-roll ads support

  • Live-streaming

No worries if you'd like to bring your player. We offer streaming playlists in HLS and DASH formats via API compatible with 99% 3rd party player solutions.

Win-win both for
you and end customer

Fair pay-as-you-go

We sustain private infrastructure and connections with Tier 1 carriers to offer high-volume video traffic at an affordable price. Customer will only pay for what is used with no hidden fees, commitments or upfront payments.

More about pricing

Discover more
Kinescope features


Be in control of how and what your viewers are watching.

Learn more


Customizable player with eye-catching design for any screen.

Learn more

Looking for more information? We're here to help.

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